Less tax to pay.

Most people take more than what they pay in tax.

Result: Bad

It seems unfair when paying tax.

We are frequently told that the money is wasted (mostly with half stories).

But it's that tax which pays for the schools you and your children attended, the roads, the doctors, hospitals, police, fire fighters, etc.

If we go the American route of "low tax", you will need to consider things like paying $3,025 per person, per year, on health insurance. Do you think the average family can afford that? Most Americans can't. And forget it if you have any kind of pre-existing condition.

So we need people to pay their taxes, if we want these services.

Generally speaking it's the people with the most money who pay the most.

And keep in mind, when someone says they pay 45% tax, that is 45% of the money they earn over £150,001.

So anyone being paid £150,002, it's only that last £1 that gets the 45% tax rate applied. They still get the first £2,880 tax free, and 20% tax on earnings up to £31,865.

And anyone worried about "inheritance tax", for most people (who will have two parents passing on their assets), you don't pay any tax for the first £850,000. Considering the average home is worth £223,257, most people will never come close to paying inheritance tax.

That said, that there are quite a few high earners (people and companies) that find way to avoid paying tax.

Which is one reason why so much money was spent promoting Brexit, as the EU is implementing 5 measures to address the most common forms of aggressive tax avoidance (proposed January 2016, to be applied January 2019).

If you disagree, or would like to add more details, please let me know.

You can suggest a reason for leaving the EU, or look at the other reasons.